Talking the hind legs off a donkey: How idioms originate
Last night while watching an excellent wildlife programme, I saw an antelope give birth, apparently a two-hour stint, to get the eager youngster out. While I was engrossed in the…
Last night while watching an excellent wildlife programme, I saw an antelope give birth, apparently a two-hour stint, to get the eager youngster out. While I was engrossed in the…
It’s all fair in love and war and friendship too. I felt I was losing ground with a friend and that we would soon be going our own separate ways,…
This week I discovered a ‘delightful’ idiom in the novel Sophie’s Bakery for the Broken Hearted by New York Times Best Selling Author, Lolly Winston – sackcloth and ashes. I’ve…
Should you be interested in investments to the point that you start reading books about them, don’t be surprised to find the term ‘a pig in a poke’. When you…
It’s spring in South Africa and in the season’s first flush, we had a smattering of rain. That’s the stuff of celebration. What’s not to celebrate is the state of…
Having suffered a leg injury in December I could not walk and could not drive. I was practically immobile. In my static state I had plenty of time to think.…
I was recently at an Editing for Inclusivity workshop which aimed to address racial, gender and all other kinds of stereotyping that fills our communication to an embarrassing extent. This…
Keeping one’s options open, is an overused phrase in today’s demanding lifestyle. But its non-committal tone, sounds like its primary use would be by people suffering from FOMO - Fear…
Ever had such a day where things start out great and then you’re confronted with the unexpected and things just unravel? Such was my day. I arrived for a press…
The English language is so rich and diverse that one lifetime is just not enough to master all of it. But I have discovered that as much as English owes…