So, what’s a lexophile?

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Two problems here: 1. This statement is not original; 2. It simply does not make sense and would work better if they ‘got too small for their pants’, having them fall right off. If they are “too big for their pants their bellies (boeps) can be covered by a long shirt so no exposure necessary.

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Allude vs elude

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The people of Tibet who bestow this honour upon him have witnessed his ability to elude (evade or escape from a danger, enemy, or pursuer, typically in a skillful or cunning way) censure for his prior misogynistic statements  which he has escaped with a mere slap on the wrists.

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Avoid traffic lights but use breaks to prevent a crash

Grammar: Prevent or avoid

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For instance, I can say, to avoid the morning rush hour traffic, I usually leave my house an hour early. In this context, prevent is a misfit. However, if I say “to prevent heat stroke on hot summer days, drink plenty of water and stay out of the sun”.

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Relative and relevant: word usage

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Relevant, according to the Oxford English Dictionary means “closely connected to or appropriate to the current matter”. Relational; compare Relative, in the same source is explained as “considered in relation or in proportion to something else; existing only in comparison to something else: months of relative calm ended in April.

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