This week I received a rather disturbing SMS from my bank. In fact, this was the second time the bank was sending this alarming message. The first time, I checked my various banking accounts and could find nothing irregular. I assumed the bank was sending this message to the wrong customer.
However, when I received the SMS for the second time which told me there had been fraud on my account my level of alarm was raised substantially and I rushed to the bank to investigate.
There was indeed fraud on my account in the amount of about $200. I was shocked. This meant I had not kept my eye on the ball. Yet how could I? I was very sure that my credit card was always in my close view and that I had not carelessly misplaced it anywhere. I was convinced that no transaction could be done without the support of a mobile phone to confirm the PIN and complete the transaction. And yet there it was. I was short of $200 dollars on a purchase I did not make.
I had very definitely taken my eye off the ball by proceeding with a transaction on the internet with an unknown source for – now that I think about it – a rather suspicious offer. The offer $3 to buy a Samsung 10. What the site did not say, was that it was a chance to win a Samsung 10 but with no guarantee of getting the phone. The site called itself ‘charity’. Yes, their charity with my money.
Now it all starts to make sense.
So I urge you keep your eye on the ball – a sport idiom derived from the many games that are played with a ball – which simply means to stay alert and be ready for action. I was not ready at all, but fortunately the bank was.
Other ‘ball’ idioms:
- Curve ball ( a difficult proposition – deriving from baseball terminology )
- Different ballgame (change in circumstances)
- Drop the ball (to miss out on doing something that then has bad results)
- Get the ball rolling (to start something)
- Got you by the balls (to have someone in an awkward, even indefensible position)
- Grow a pair (show your courage)
- Have a ball (have a great time)
Talking the hind legs off a donkey: How idioms originate
Of Sackcloth and Ashes: How idioms originate
Picture by Joel Muniz – Unsplash