I get sick to my stomach every time I hear that the Dalai Lama (Delinquent Lama) stuck his tongue out, and asked the boy to suck it (I can barely write it without wanting to hurl all over my PC).
While some circles have called for his arrest and prosecution, I would like to see him stripped of his title.
Unacceptable show of character
He cannot in good faith, occupy that holier-than-thou spiritual guide moniker, after his display of such despicable behaviour. His leadership remains an illusion (a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses) to his people.
Not first offence
The people of Tibet who bestow this honour upon him have witnessed his ability to elude (evade or escape from a danger, enemy, or pursuer, typically in a skillful or cunning way) censure for his prior misogynistic statements which he has escaped with a mere slap on the wrists.
While he might want to allude (suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at) to his ‘slip of the tongue’ as a moment of thoughtlessness, it just doesn’t cut the mustard!.
Know your words
The purpose of my blog today is two-fold: one to express my outrage at the Dalai Lama’s behaviour, and two, to illustrate how confusing the English language can get with the words allude, elude, and illude. All are verbs, allude becomes allusion in the noun form, and allude becomes allusion in the noun form. Elude does not have a noun, but nonetheless is often confused with allude.
Please rid your mind of all illusion as to the holiness of this man and support me in my bid to have the Delinquent Lama stripped of his title.
(Definitions by Bing)
Relative and relevant: word usage
Veracity and voracity: use these words correctly
Know your whopping from your whooping: word usage