Why I find both bothersome
Both is often unnecessary in a sentence. When it is used to stress the joining of two nouns it really is a waste of a word. Grammar. Please.
Both is often unnecessary in a sentence. When it is used to stress the joining of two nouns it really is a waste of a word. Grammar. Please.
One of the hot trends of the moment is interactive content. You have to excite and engage with your audience. Give them something tactile to experience. In content, you can do this in several ways. Polls are great ways to get people engaged. People love their own opinions, so why not invite them to poll it. Quizzes have the same response. No one wants to be outshone by not being the smartest in the room. Everyone loves to challenge their own intelligence.
language changes for good reasons and this can be from people migrating, from new industries emerging, from mispronunciations, from transposing letters incorrectly, and from mistakes.
Podcasting is not new to content but if you don’t take that next step at least, your web presence is going to suffer. Next up is video. Moving pictures are the next basic requirement for a 2022 rendition of consumed content. Video too is not all that new, but pay attention to quality. You’re not going to get away with just anything so invest some time in this.
Google has recently updated its algorithm. Authority has replaced SEO according to some content sources.
10 reasons to include story-telling in content
As a purist of the English language I frequently tear my hair out when I hear or see basic grammar mistakes, particular from those in the profession of news casting…
Thanks to prolific author Jeffrey Archer the idiom ‘a quiver full of arrows’ penetrated our language to a great extent after 1980 when he published a book with this title.…
Writing under a pseudonym (pen name) or a nom de plume as the French like to call it, is as old as time itself. Disguising your true self may come with some good reasons. You may choose to write under a pseudonym simply to change things up or to give yourself a fresh view of things. African writers may opt for a more simple-sounding name to fit in with popular writers/genres.