Slapping down anything that comes to mind may work for the Earnest Hemingways of the world, but its unlikely to produce persuasive copy for your website.
Even Hemingway was not one to settle for the first draft. Very few writers do. So why would you put text on the most public forum – your website – that has not been properly crafted?
Ask yourself if you can afford to place copy that does not do this job.
Your copy should have a persuasive quality to:
- Entice the reader
- Maintain an audience
- Inspire commitment to take action
Make sure your readers, leads, or customers are receiving persuasive copy that does all three.
3 keynotes
1. It must have a WIFIM (What’s in it for me?)
Every visitor must be able to see at glance what the benefits are.
Keep them interested and be clear about what your offering is.
For starters, be clear about whether it’s a product or service. Where is it available. Is it an online purchase for the international market or must customers be British citizens to buy it. Explaining ease of access will help to secure your customer. Make sure this is included.
2. Show that you’re credible.
This one is easy. Include testimonials from clients. Show your list of satisfied customers. Describe in detail some similar projects you’ve undertaken. Give some history about your business. Introduce your team members. List awards if you have any. Nominations are good too. These all add to your credibility.
3. Add value
This is a bit more tricky. You may think that your’e doing what hundreds of others are doing and your offer is just the same. It’s up to you to find the difference. What is your USP – Unique Selling Proposition. It can’t be just that you’re good at what you do. It has to be something unique about the way that you do things.
Do not think of cost. If you’re the cheapest you still have to deliver quality. Think of other unique qualities such as your personal network, negotiating skills, location, style, experience etc. Know what I mean?
Just remember these three key notes to add persuasion to your website content.