You’ve heard of a no-fly zone. Now, there’s a no-cry zone. That’s when it comes to onions. Or rather sunions.
English is not the only discipline to combine two elements to from a new one. Agriculture too is well known for its hybridisation and has brought us many delicious fruits and vegetables that add variety to our diets.
Today I am borrowing from agriculture by taking its new vegetable name and using it as my new work.
So, sunion is an onion, with all the powerful flavours of this strong bulb vegetable in the Allium class, but without the chemical irritants that cause crying. Thus, a no-cry zone.
In my research, I accidentally found, in addition to sunion, the word sonion, which has inspired some interesting definitions of its own.
Urban Dictionary offers: “sonion, the son of an onion; often used to describe an awesome bro. “yo sonion, wanna go rip a monster bowl?” shows how to use the word in a sentence (ehem).
Another site has developed an entire personality profile for this creature, sonion, in very poorly written English, I must add.
However, it suggests that sonions prioritise freedom and independence and are particularly curious about the unknown.
They are said to enjoy travel and abhor routine tasks. They generate ideas that are well-supported but soon tire of concepts that don’t excite them.
For more on this fascinating personality, please go to:
I’m amazed that you can find this analysis, which to me sounds like pure fiction, written by websites that pass themselves off as authorities (maybe the laugh is on me), but it has been fun.
So whichever way you want to take it, I wish you lots of salads with crunchy sunion, or why not try a creative exercise and write your own profile of a sassy sonion.
New word from a six year old: Palindromes and portmanteus: how words are formed