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Remember when Cadbury’s 200g was that big slab you could enjoy with big pieces of chocolatey goodness. You really felt you were getting double the value of the 100g bar.…
Remember when Cadbury’s 200g was that big slab you could enjoy with big pieces of chocolatey goodness. You really felt you were getting double the value of the 100g bar.…
Sisyphean: Perhaps the most direct linguistic legacy of the myth, "Sisyphean" describes any task that is endless and ineffective, mirroring Sisyphus's eternal struggle. Whether it's tackling a never-ending workload or battling an insurmountable challenge, calling something Sisyphean immediately conveys the exhausting and futile nature of the endeavor. (Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
September 8th marked the annual celebration of World Literacy Day, a day dedicated to highlighting the importance of literacy as a fundamental human right and a cornerstone for individual and…
Horatio Nelson was first to be ascribed naming rights, himself a contender in war. He found this strategic use of the movement effective in the Battle of the Nile and the Battle of Trafalgar both of which he won.
Both is often unnecessary in a sentence. When it is used to stress the joining of two nouns it really is a waste of a word. Grammar. Please.
I am constantly amazed at the number of authors who label their books ‘No 1. Bestseller’. Last weekend, I shared a platform with a new writer who did just that.…