Waiting for the cows to come home: Origin of idioms
It seems that I have to wait for the cows to come home to get paid by some of my clients. In one instance, I have been waiting for more…
It seems that I have to wait for the cows to come home to get paid by some of my clients. In one instance, I have been waiting for more…
When Game of Thrones captured the imagination of millions of fans to an obsessive degree, I used to say, “You get two kinds of people – those who watch Game…
There’s a book in everyone, so the saying goes. And in some there are more than one – think of all the Jodi Picoult and Nora Roberts, John Grisham and…
It’s often said that owning a website is like having your own piece of online real estate. Who wouldn’t want that? A no-brainer. But statistics show that many small business…
Last night while watching Come Dine With Me, I latched on to satirist David Lamb’s shortening of an idiom. He simply used the two words of comparison and said, pot/…
Last week I had mentioned to my sister that I saw my aunt at a function and she was three sheets to the wind. This meant I could not give…
At a United Nations gender equality conference last week, one of the speakers who was trying to break through the gender disparity in our society used the phrase “bread and…
With the latest unemployment figures in South Africa at 29%, here’s a quick run down of some of the work-related idioms and how to use them. Learn the Ropes Meaning:…
This week while sipping on a warm Coke Zero at lunch with a friend, we began to discuss the wonders of Greece. She reminded me of the fable of Icarus.…
By all accounts the gig economy takes off, but fears of AI replace the good ol' human remain. And here's a dog to help things along. “This robot delivery dog…